Unexpected gifts are the best of all, aren't they? I'm not downplaying expected gifts that come for birthdays and holidays. They're nice, too. :-) But the gift that comes out of the blue is the one that lets you know someone really appreciates you.
A child I know gave me the picture above a couple of years ago. I love it! It has such energy. He had written on it, "The early bird gets the worm!" but I couldn't get that to show up. So I altered the picture a bit.

Recently I received two unexpected gifts from fellow artists. Claralie Hall of Gaunchywomperd Bears won my Minnie Ruby doll that was a door prize for The Humble Arts website grand opening. Lo and behold about a week or so later I received in the mail the most beautiful artist made pinkeep bear on a day when we were getting a late ice storm here in Maine. What a blessing it was to receive on that day! He's just 4 1/2 inches tall and is a delight to hold in my hand. I love putting him in the lap of some of my dollies before they go off to their new homes.

The artist Plain-N-Simple makes beautiful dolls. I purchased a black Izannah Walker inspired doll from her. I'm privileged to be in an online dollmaking group with her. When I opened the box from her I found not one but two Izannah Walker inspired dolls nestled in the beautiful wrapping. She also included an extra cat inspired by litho dolls from around the turn of the century. I was honored and humbled because I know how much work can go into these Izannah Walker inspired dolls. You can find her work at the Humble Arts website on the toolbar to your right. She also sells on Ebay under plain-n-simple, so check her out there!
I am so thankful for these gifts! They are extra special, and remind me of the continuing gift that an act of grace can be in life. I see these beautiful works of art every day in my office. They remind me that giving unexpected gifts is one way we can be like the God who made us.
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