Remember I said I had gone to Lucy's Doll House to take pictures of the two Izannah Walker dolls they have in residence? Well, I've finally been able to edit the pictures and put them up on my picturetrail album. Click here to look at Izannah Walker doll pictures. Feel free to make copies for your personal dollmaking reference but please ask permission to use them in any other ways.

What a wonderful opportunity it was. I feel so grateful to Lucy and Sue, the partners at Lucy's Doll House, for allowing me to take the pictures. The "Red Izannah", as I call her in my head, was purchased recently. She's had some repaint, and someone used surgical tape to fix her weak ankles, but it was still a wonder to see her! The dress was wonderful - with tiny black glass buttons and it was fully lined. Gorgeous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great example of the inside of an antique dress!!! This is what I want my dresses to look like!!! I think that it is fully line by hand...Simply amazing stitching!

Thanks so much for sharing!


"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden