A few years ago my husband and I had just moved into our new house, which was a bit bigger than our old one. My husband let me know he'd always wanted a recliner. My heart sank, because truthfully, they're not the prettiest chairs out there. But I caved in and off we went to the furniture store window shopping. I really don't like them - but as love will have it, I wanted to please this guy that I married when I was 23. I was hoping we could find one of those "camouflage" recliners. You know what I mean - the kind that you can't tell are recliners....they look like wing chairs or occasional chairs. Well, as you can see, that is not what we got. A brief lapse of aestheic judgement, motivated by love for my husband as he sat trying out the chair with a euphoric look on his face resulted in the purchase above.
Oh, I realize it's not the ugliest chair in America -- some of YOU own that ;-) Now my oldest son has claimed this chair as his very own. Every time he sits down he burrows into it and rattles the frame of the chair until we say, "Enough!" It's one thing when your husband loves a chair - you can move it to a less visible spot, or nag (er....convince) him to replace it with a nicer looking chair. But when it's your firstborn and they LOVE the ugly chair you know you're stuck with it until they move out or if they're going to live with you when they grow up that means forever.
If you have an ugly chair you keep out of love for someone in your family, leave a comment and a link to YOUR ugly chair.
Smiles - Dixie
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