Customer Feedback

I sold my last doll Liddiana here at my blog. I received a nice e-mail from the person who received her.
Hi Dixie, I received them Monday, very lovely, your workmanship is excellent, just love the painted legs and antique undies on Liddiana. Little James is just darling, he will always be in her arms to keep him safe. I wish you the best in your doll pursuits. KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK YOU ARE VERY TALENTED!! if you can add this to your website comments.
If I had sold the doll on Ebay there would have been an opportunity for her to leave feedback, so I thought I'd post the buyer's feedback here. I will sometimes list artwork for sale here and sometimes on Ebay. If you're thinking about purchasing one of my works, know that you can purchase with confidence. Here is what customers who purchased on Ebay have said about my art.

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden