A Sampling of Antique Papier Mache Dolls

Here's a sampling of papier mache dolls.

The beauty above looks a bit haughty.

I don't know the maker of these - Voit?

I love the stern matron on the right.
Quite a large doll. Here's a front view.

Carton Moule doll above -
holding the baby was very tall -
about 3 feet


Alicia said...

Dixie, where are these pictures from? Some wonderful dolls in them.

Dixie Redmond said...

Hi, Alicia! They're from the Strong museum.

HopHopJingleBoo said...

I just love the old papier mache, dolls, maybe because I'm a papier mache artist anyways they have their appeal.. have about a dozen only half are in original condition ..They have a interesting quality so different from the perfect medium of bisque and china..thanks for sharing.. enjoyed reading about your papier mache projects too.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden