One of the advantages of being disorderly
is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.
- A.A. Milne
One of my favorite groups has this quote on the opening page. I've been cleaning out my studio, and as I've been gathering things to sell I've been making exciting discoveries! That was the point, actually ;-) I'm repeating myself, but in order to say YES to some things, you have to say NO to other things. So here are a few things I have for sale on Ebay right now.
A lot of 10+ patterns from top designers
plus the book Two Hour Doll Clothes
Gail Wilson Folk Art Doll #7 KIT
I had a duplicate of this pattern/kit,for some reason.
Wonderful dolls, wonderful patterns. 'Nuf said.
If you love vintage cloth dolls
this will be an interesting book for you to read.
If you love and study Martha Chase dolls
then you must have this book for your collection!
Yes, folks, these are 19" long opera gloves. Why, you say, do I own opera gloves? Well, you know when you're cruisin' through the antique mall and you see something like this that is so wonderful? These size 6 1/2 kidskin leather gloves were made in Paris. Oooo la la!
Actually, I bought them to use in making leather arms for dolls, but I can't bear to cut them up. The guilt would overwhelm me. I only allow myself to use antique clothing items that have problems, so I feel no guilt at cutting them up. I'll make no judgements if you have the will and determination to use these to make arms for an antique doll. But if you're planning on wearing them, I hope you have a physique like Calista Flockhart.
Finally, let's talk about the sewing machine above. It's not for sale but should be. This singer 185J is a bit like a featherweight machine (but it's still very heavy!!!). It works and has the funkiest light on the back and the best vintage color. It's from the 60's. I bought this because my mom mentioned it. I thought my mom wanted it, so I bought it. Turns out she didn't want it, she thought I could sell it on Ebay. Well, selling machines on Ebay is dicey. The shipping is usually monstrous in order to get a machine safely from one corner of the country to another. Believe me, I know!
I have more items for sale under my other selling ID, Northdixie Smiles. So check those items out, too. :-) It's amazing what I've wedged into an 8 x 11 room.
is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.
- A.A. Milne
One of my favorite groups has this quote on the opening page. I've been cleaning out my studio, and as I've been gathering things to sell I've been making exciting discoveries! That was the point, actually ;-) I'm repeating myself, but in order to say YES to some things, you have to say NO to other things. So here are a few things I have for sale on Ebay right now.
Click the pictures to go to the specific auctions:
plus the book Two Hour Doll Clothes
I promise you that you will find something wonderful in this lot! I'm deliberately not naming the pattern designers but there is at least one wonderful humdinger in the lot.
I had a duplicate of this pattern/kit,for some reason.
Wonderful dolls, wonderful patterns. 'Nuf said.
this will be an interesting book for you to read.
If you love and study Martha Chase dolls
then you must have this book for your collection!
Actually, I bought them to use in making leather arms for dolls, but I can't bear to cut them up. The guilt would overwhelm me. I only allow myself to use antique clothing items that have problems, so I feel no guilt at cutting them up. I'll make no judgements if you have the will and determination to use these to make arms for an antique doll. But if you're planning on wearing them, I hope you have a physique like Calista Flockhart.
I have more items for sale under my other selling ID, Northdixie Smiles. So check those items out, too. :-) It's amazing what I've wedged into an 8 x 11 room.
1 comment:
Dixie,this is some great stuff!I had to laugh at your last comment!I can completely relate!
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