I forget that each year Christmas brings what is essentially another part-time job with it. Why do I forget this? And today, joy of joys, I get to go to the DMV to register a vehicle. But I'm very happy to have the vehicle. It's a truck that I intend to take to the auction on a clear winter day. ;-)

Last week I worked on the wooden doll. I have a few things I've done - made her a dress with the arms attached to the dress rather than the doll.

My idea is that if someone wanted her to be a dressed doll, they could use that. But if they liked her in her more primitive form, then they could leave her without the dress. Maybe I'll give some angel wings to go with her. So essentially it would be two creations in one. Someone will either really love that or think it's freaky.
I had a stand with a dowel in it and thought "Hmmmm. Wonder if the hole on the bottom is the same size?" It was a tight fit and I like the elevation.

Hi Dixie
I never before saw so many images from antique dolls, like you show us!!!
I love the old dolls; also I'm making cloth dolls and is my new passion!
Thank you very much for sharing
Maria del Valle
Hi Dixie,
Thanks so much for the message(s) on my blog. I always love your comments.
I'm crazy about your new doll. I always get inspired checking out your work!
I started a Santa yesterday, for our Christmas party/auction on the 9th. I dug through my pile of patterns and found one by the Rosemary Rabbit called "der Belsnickle." I haven't gotten very far on him yet.
I missed decorating both Halloween and Thanksgiving this year. I've been sick for the past week, so I don't think I've got the energy to drag the Christmas decorations down yet (actually it's much easier taking them out than putting them away, don't you think?)
Take care,
I've been entertained by your ping pong ball exploits ~ can't wait to see what you come up with!
Thanks again,
Dixie,Dixie,Dixie.....you know how I feel about this dollie!Now,I am just blown away!She is magnificent!
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