Paintings in Progress

I had begun a painting almost 2 years ago that was supposed to be an angel, but I hated the way the painting was turning out and turned it into what I imagine Izannah Walker looked like as a girl.

And I am continuing working
on the giant vertical landscape.
Top one is more accurate for colors.

But I like to show it cropped.


Enchanted Hollow Designs said...

I love the young Izannah painting!! You have really captured a wonderful and unique look. Is it finished?

Lana Manis said...

Dixie ~ just wonderful! It inspires me to try, try again...

Dixie Redmond said...

Hi, no the portrait isn't finished yet. I see a few things in my picture that I want to fix, plus I think varying the background a bit would be good.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden