Harmony Hall, revisited...

Apparently when I did the presentation on Harmony Hall I made it look too good. So I did an addition on the Harmony Hall blog to show needed repairs. I'm reposting it here, with links to the original post on the Harmony Hall site. Click any of the pictures to go there. Doesn't it make you feel like sending a dollar or two to preserve this 1828 beauty?

pre⋅serve is a verb

Over 100 years ago, the Hampden Village Improvement Society was formed and took over the use of Harmony Hall. They also took on the task of repairing the building for community use. The past post, Harmony Hall Highlights, focused on the beauty of Harmony Hall.

Light shining in through
the beautiful arched windows

It is easy to focus on the light coming in the windows, but windows themselves need major repairs so that they do not fall apart, and the light can keep coming in!

Arched Gothic windows have been braced
to keep them from falling down.

Each year fourth grade classrooms of Hampden, Maine visit Harmony Hall as part of their education. It is a beautiful treasure within walking distance of Hampden schools, and would be a tragedy to lose this beautiful historical building. Consultation with experts on old buildings show that if necessary repairs are not made, the building will begin the process of falling in on itself.

Stairway to the beautiful balcony

The building needs to be jacked up, sills replaced and repaired, granite foundation stones reset, windows repaired, bulging wall fixed, etc. It is best and most cost efficient to try to take care of all these repairs at once.

Granite foundation stones needs resetting.
Sills need shoring up and some replacement.

Bulging wall indicates structural stress

The Hampden Garden Club invites you to help in saving this wonderful historical jewel. The Hampden Garden Club is working very hard to hard to raise $20,000 in seed money to help raise the funds needed to repair and preserve Harmony Hall. The estimated cost of repairs is $150,000.

Your help is needed to
keep this building alive.

If needed repairs are not made,
this building's future is in jeopardy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful piece of history, I sure hope you are able to save this wonderful home.

Love your IW blog, what a beautiful job.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden