A New Group

In 2008 I began the Izannah Walker Chronicles with the idea that it would be a kind of clearinghouse for all things Izannah. It works quite well for posting information, but doesn't allow for discussion about Izannah Walker dolls. I started the Izannah's Daughters to be a place for dollmakers and students of Izannah to connect, but it doesn't work very well without a discussion forum. So I am closing the Izannah's Daughters blog and opening up a social network at ning.com for dollmakers, pattern designers, collectors and students of Izannah Walker Dolls. It's open to anyone who has an interest in Izannah Walker. All you have to do is set up an account at ning.com and join. Click the banner above to go to the site.

UPDATE - this group has moved to the
Maida Dolls Group

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden