Early American Life Directory of Traditional American Crafts

It was so fun to see my name listed in the 25th Directory of Traditional American Crafts compiled by Early American Life. I have admired the work of artists in the directory for years. This year I finally got the courage to submit my own work and was so pleased to be included. Here are the works I submitted for the jurying process.

My first doll using my Izannah Walker Workshop pattern

An Izannah/papier mache inspired doll.

Little Red Riding Hood Izannah inspired doll.

Another papier mache inspired doll.

I hope you have fun looking through the August Early American Life.


Heather said...

Thats amazing news! Congrats to you! I love that magazine so much...what a dream!~

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Congratulations Dixie that is awesome news and you must be so excited.
Your work is so beautiful though that I am not surprised that they wanted to include you!
Cheers Tina xo

Suzanne said...

Congratulations, Dixie! Love them!! Your work is wonderful.

Rachael Kinnison said...

Congrats Dixie! I was thrilled when I saw you in there this year~ WOO HOO!!!!!
xoxoxo rachael

Mia Rand said...

Beautiful dolls! Congratulations!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden