Izannah Walker Inspired Doll

This doll above is in process.  Before I decided not to take commissions, I had promised one to a very nice lady who has purchased art from me before.  
Sometimes when dolls are in mid-stream I paint them before I add stockinette and more sculpting to get a sense of what they might be.  This creation will get a layer of stockinette and then be painted as a classic double-spill doll inspired by Izannah.  Or maybe not.  ;-)


Evelyn's Wonderland said...

She looks beautiful!

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

Well, I cannot wait to see her all 'dolled up'!

Susie McMahon said...

She's got the makin's!

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden