Sorting Your Life Tasks -
Making To Do Lists

Sometimes I see all my life tasks as having equal weight.  Or that I feel I must do them all.  This creates stress for me, because while I'm doing one thing I am thinking about the thing I'm not doing.  Something like this (imperfect) diagram above will help.   The can't and can circles overlap, which they shouldn't.  Maybe that shows my confusion?

Most of what we do in life ought to fall into the can/must category.   Of course, living most of your life in the can/must/like category is a whole lot more fun.  Things that fall into the can't/hate category just shouldn't be done by us, but how many times do we find ourselves doing just those things?   And things that fall into the must/hate/can't are those that you hire someone else to do, or change your life so that those things aren't on your list.   

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I love this post. I found there is much to consider when organizing one's tasks.

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden