Day 31 of 31 Days of Art: Meeting a Goal

This post is the last post in the series.  
Thank you for traveling along with me.

I'm excited to end 31 Days of Art by releasing my PDF Ebook on Making an Izannah Walker Inspired Doll.  Studying Izannah Walker dolls has been a major part of my life for 5 years now.  They are beautiful examples of American folk art.  If I can design something half that wonderful in my lifetime that lasts over 150 years I will call it an achievement.

Here are each of the posts in order:

Day 12:   Disappeared Into a Cloud of Soccer Dust!

31 Days of Art has been a blast.  I've learned things about myself and art-making that I would not have learned if I hadn't taken on Nester's 31 Day Challenge.   See all the other 31 Day topics here.  On Day 1, I did a lot of dreaming about what I hoped to write about.  I didn't get to all those topics.  One of the things I learned is that I don't include enough white space for family life to impact my plans!  But the good part is that I have quite a few topics yet to explore in the coming weeks.  They are:

Finding Time for Art - I'll write about some ways to fit art into our busy lives.

How to Rescue a Bad Painting - I am pretty sure this is something all artists have laying around in their work areas.  I know I do.   So this will be one of my ideas.

How to Be Inspired by Others' Art in a Respectful Way

Making Art with Kids


JDConwell said...

It was fun. We got to travel all around Art Land and never even left the porch.

Dixie Redmond said...

Yeah, isn't that the wonderful thing about the internet? :-)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden