Izannah Walker Inspired Doll Work in Progress

Here's my Izannah Walker inspired doll in progress.  She's inspired by Ella and this original antique Izannah Walker doll below. Yes, that's my kitchen counter with a bag of rice in the background.  I like sculpting in my kitchen because I can be with my family while I work on creations.   Taking pictures of your work is important and then writing on the picture (or the WIP) is helpful, too.   The WIP above needs height at the top of the head. 


JDConwell said...

Yay!!! Dixie's making dolls again! I love when you paint, but I confess I love your dolls even more. :~) Can't wait to see this wee girlie become whomever she is destined to be.

marian said...

ooooooh a little Izannah in the making, how exciting! I'm sure she's going to turn into a beautiful little doll..i can't wait to see!! thanks for sharing, Dixie :)) cheers, Marian

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Precious !!!! Thanks for sharing Dixie.

Carolyn :)

maija said...

Thank you very much for sharing progress pics:) Love all your dolls:)

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden