April is Over But I Hope Autism Acceptance Isn't

Autism acceptance is year-round.

I'm not against awareness and acceptance campaigns. But I want more for my son than 30 days of focus each year. 

What does acceptance mean for our family?
It means as a family we will put our money where our mouth is to help our son learn and grow.  It means we will seek services that will help Alex continue to learn and grow.  It means we will expect more of ourselves and we will expect more of Alex himself, as he is able, to foster learning and growth.   It means rearranging our personal schedules  to accomodate Alex's interests.  It means helping Alex find interests that bring meaning to his life.  

What does autism acceptance mean in the larger circles of society?
It means when you see a crisis coming, you prepare for it.  That's a big sentence and applies to more than autism acceptance.

It means school administrators and school boards  whose mission is to provide "optimal learning for all students" do that, even when it is tough.  

  • It means hiring skilled teachers and support staff.  
  • It means providing enough support staff, so that our children are not in danger.  
  • It means not using long-term subs in a stop gap way as staffing in special needs classrooms, unless you are willing to use subs for your own support staff. 

Autism acceptance means lawmakers making budgets with people with autism in mind. It means we say that these people matter and their lives are more than beds.  

Autism Acceptance is more than a nod for 30 Days.  
Autism Acceptance is a year round thing. 

Dixie Redmond

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden