~Brian Tracy
Kaf Grimm posted the quote above on Facebook. Brian Tracy wrote Eat That Frog, which I wrote about here. If you go to Brian's website there is a video at the top. Brian has a video on his website at the top. It starts automatically and of course if someone starts talking to you, you listen (Hi, Brian, you're a smart guy). When I heard Brian use the phrase, "Path of least resistance" I thought, "Dad, is that you?"
Here are a few goals I've written down:
Help both my sons develop skills needed
for independent, meaningful lives
Lose weight and be more active
Develop a creative style that is distinctively mine
Purchase an antique Izannah Walker Doll
I've done this in the past and need to revisit it. These are not all the goals I have, just ones I will share. It's important to not write down OTHER people's goals. ;-) And once again, it's important to realize that reaching goals means making choices. I am doing this and NOT this is part of the equation. You can't do everything and be everything. But by writing down these goals I just raised my likelihood of achieving them by 1000%, according to Brian. I want to see that study....

Good stuff, and just what I needed to hear today. I will write some goals today. (And I will NOT sit on my fanny all day reading fiction to block out the Shoulds yammering in my brain.)
"Develop a creative style that is distinctively mine"....I'm interested to know how you intend to go about this.
That's funny, Jan, because I just finished reding The Kitchen House on my iPad. Excellent stirring book.
Mary Ann....good questioin! Something I need to ponder, and hopefully share in a blog series.
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