Planning Artist's Work Spaces and Work Schedules

My oldest son's graduation has meant a lot of changes for him, and a lot of changes for our family. More hats have been added to my role, and that means doing more of some things and less of others. Art has taken a hit, not only because of a lack of time, but a shift in focus. I can't remember where I read this, but in trying to be more productive it's not just time we are managing, but *energy level*.

I need to redesign my work schedule in light of these additional roles. So I started Googling "artist's work schedules". This video below kicked up. In it, the artist talks about how our work schedules are affected by the intersection of our lives with others we care about and want to spend time with.

Video on Artists Planning Work Schedules

Also, the Maida Dolls group has been discussing work space design again. it is worth a read, to think about ways of making the work spaces easier to enter and use.  next time I want to talk about designing work spaces for artists.  I need to rework my space.

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden