Day 22: Reverse Shopping

If you are a creative person, you are often a collector as well.   I have collected a number of dolls for inspiration that I will be selling to go on the next leg of their journey.   One is a French Fashion that came along for the ride when I bought my antique Izannah Walker doll.  You can see images of this French Fashion doll here. and here   I hae since cleaned her up a bit and will need to take new pictures.  She has a crack that goes from the top of the head down to the right eye socket.  She is a project doll, for sure. But she is still a pretty doll and in the hands of someone who loves FF's will shine, I know it.  

Rethinking goals and inspirations is a very good thing to do for any artist.  I can't do everything.  I am carefully choosing some things to finish.  I have enough ideas and inspiration to keep me busy for YEARS.  
I kind of love that you can see a preschool apple toy in the same picture as a French Fashion doll.  That is my life in a nutshell right now.  :-)

1 comment:

Jan Conwell said...

Oh, I want her! Cannot HAVE her, but she's a beauty. The one I really want is the scary wax baby. Let me know if you plan to sell her?

"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden