Day 29: Making An 1850's Dress

There's a reason this type of dress was popular, and actually is showing up in today's fashions again. While it takes some skills in the gathering department, it is very easy one to fit any form. If you use the 3 measurements that Randomly Happy talked about you could make a dress pattern for yourself or a child as well.  The width of the bodice can be variable - you can have less or more gathering, dpeending on your preference.  More width means a very gathered look. 

The above dress is one which was worn by an Izannah Walker doll I was able to photograph.  It was made of a very fine, almost sheer gauzy cotton fabric.  The bodice is not extremely gathered. Click the image below to go to the document in how to make a dress in this style. Also, this is in the Tutorials & Videos section - there are more items up there under that tab! 

Making a Basic 1850's Child's Dress

Click the graphic to go to a Google Docs article. 

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"Do not let what you cannot do
keep you from doing what you can do."

John Wooden